Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

Welcome to civilisation!

Specially dedicated to those morons who thinks that world consist of one color: WHITE!

What era are you living in? moron era or the modern era? Modern Era consist of various of colored people: where the US president is BLACK, the Swedish minister is BLACK, your lunch menu is often THAI, your daughter in law is ASIAN, your boss is CHINESE, etc, etc..Even winter time nowadays is no longer white, but there are plenty of colors created from many sources (such as jacket colors, dogshits and else).

I'm so sick and tired of listening to those people who lives behind the times, how they judge other people from their colors, and which part of the world other people came from. Taking an example when I introduce myself as an Indonesian, a darling blond's first question was: ARE YOU GUYS POOR? IS YOUR FAMILY POOR? HOW DO YOU EAT? DO YOU HAVE MICROWAVE? DO YOU HAVE TV? Oh darling, we have a lot of things that you haven't seen in this world.

Recently, a friend of mine told me how irritated she was, when she returned to her office and her colleague greeted her like this: "ahh.. Welcome to civilisation!!" Dear moron, you live in a country where buldings aren't suppose to be taller than a tree. While in my friend's country, sky scrappers buildings that built of world's famous architects are everywhere.

It is not a guarantee that the reason why an Asian girl together with a western because she is a gold digger, or need a ticket and visa to be able to live in a western country, as a lot of expats in Asia implies. There is something that called LOVE, darlings, have you heard of that word??

Why there are still so many idiots living in this new era, and judging others by their skin colors? Why their mind isn't expanding like their huge ass? Don't you know that colors that makes the rainbow looks so beautiful?


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