Kamis, 03 Maret 2011


Today is the day to celebrate LOVE. And I want to write something about LOVE

When we LOVE somebody,everything seem so perfect...so beautiful...nothing less.

That remind me the song :

Kau begitu sempurna dimataku kau begitu indah...or

Coz there is something in the way you look at me...or

I'm everything that I'm because you love me...or

Cause you're amazing Just the way you are

Sometime the way that we look at someone that we love is different than the way we look at someone else.
and this is affect the person we love,they feel special, very special and precious. for us that someone is perfect so adorable, I don't know to describe it but I can take a long exhale to vision the one that I adore.

sometime the true love that we had for someone can make us do almost anything, we can be stronger that the rock.


when all that LOVE fade away or the one that we love most betrayed our love...what we'll happen.

we will find a lot of minus on the person we love...we can't tolerate a small mistake that they have done which is nothing before. we often compare our love one with someone else.
sometime we forget that no bodies perfect anyway...even our self and than why we ask for a perfect spouse if we are not perfect either, that's not fair isn't it?"

being a couple is to complete each other, to cover the imperfection and than become the perfect one and fulfill our live with all the laughter and true happiness.
anyone agree with me ?

bye Ke2

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