Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

Did u Know Ur Bday saId

Bintang Pisces (The Fishes)
Sifat: Selalu Berubah, Air, Universal
Kata Kuncinya: "I Believe" (Saya Percaya)

Imajinatif, sensitive, sulit berkonsentrasi pada satu hal (no-focus), distracted (gampang rusak / patah), feeling (selalu memakai perasaan pada suatu masalah), Duality (memiliki pribadi yang berlawanan) namuni memiliki idealisme dan agamis (spiritual), acceptance (menerima), undiscriminated (tidak pernah membedakan), soul growth (jiwa yang berkembang), artistik, ceroboh, sering gampang menyerah pada keadaan (melarikan diri dari keadaan / tangung jawab / keadaan yang membuatnya sulit) namun memiliki kesabaran yang tinggi pada hal-hal tertentu yang cocok.

Kesehatan: Perlu perhatian ekstra pada Kaki dan Sistem Kekebalan Tubuh

Ramalan Bintang: Dipengaruhi oleh Planet Jupiter dan Neptunus

Other say

2011 will have two main stages. According to 2011 horoscope for Pisces, the first three months will pass through a more volatile environment that will demand your attention, you will be more inclined to intimacy and reconciliation through dialogue. Although sometimes it will be necessary to state firmly to defend your position, you do not have to split up, because messages will be clearer than usual. The last months of the year will be more relaxed and you will enjoy with harmony, and this will give you a stronger power to change the destination and not the people. Your sense of strategy will be at the best moment.

Job – The sociability is one of the best goods in the professional arena this year. You identify with the needs of your customers and to match them with your expectations. Trade negotiations will be excellent, if you proceed in stages, you will reach your goal. You’ll regain your composure to go out of difficult situations. If you are looking for a job, you will get more opportunities in the third quarter.
Tanggal Zodiak: 20 Februari - 20 Maret

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